(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Part 1
Dear Diary,
I know it's a long time since I last wrote in. I wasn't allowed
to keep a diary at Westlake. I wasn't allowed to do anything at Westlake - I was looked upon as a fragile little girl that
has to be wrapped up in cotton wool. I hated it there. The wards were stuffy and small, and the other girls there weren't
very talkative. I can't understand what I was doing there. All the other 'patients' were sick and frail. My room mate, Kelly,
was so small, you could barely make out her body under the covers. She hardly ever got out of bed, the doctor's said she was
too weak.
In case you hadn't already guessed, Westlake is a hospital.
Not just any old hospital though - they specialise in eating disorders. That's why I didn't understand why I'd been sent there.
I didn't have an eating disorder, I was just fussy about what I ate. I was a normal weight, though some days I'd feel too
bloated to eat anything. Compared to Kelly, I was fat. Her tiny 5 stone frame paled in comparison to my 6 stone frame. She
was the envy of most of the girls at Westlake. It was their aim to be the skinniest, to eat the least and to be labelled the
closest to death whenever the doctor's did their rounds. Kelly was nothing more than a skeleton - when I first arrived at
Westlake nearly a year ago, she had just been admitted for the fifth time. Her eyes were sullen and her shoulders slumped.
She had lost any confidence she may once have had. In fact, everyone was like that. Not a single one of them weighed more
that 6 and a half stone. Their ribs and hip bones stuck out at awkward angles, and the baggy gowns they were made to wear
created the illusion that they were barely there. That's when I realised that I had a problem. This was what I had become
- nothing more than skin and bones. This was what he had driven me to.
I looked around at the girls, feeling their eyes following my
every move, and suddenly felt very conscious of my weight. Although I weighed no more than 6 stone, I felt huge. Kelly was
one of the first to come up to me. She could barely stand up straight, let alone walk, so I appreciated the effort she made.
We quickly forged a friendship, stronger than any I had experienced outside in the real world. I told her things I had never
told anyone before. I told her everything about my life - how I had always been the popular one. How I had experienced heartbreak,
and the effects that had on me. I even told her about my relationship with him. How after we'd broken up, I'd felt the need
to lose weight. Maybe he didn't like me anymore because I was too fat. That's when my obsession with food began. I'd wake
up before everyone else in the mornings just so I could say I'd had breakfast. Lunch consisted of an apple, sometimes two
if I felt I deserved it. At dinner time, I'd push my food around on the plate, making it look like I'd eaten more than I actually
had. If I dared go over the targets I'd set myself, I'd go upstairs, stick my fingers down my throat and throw up until I
felt satisfied I'd rid myself of my sins. This continued for more than two years, until my weigh plummeted so drastically,
I began blacking out at school. I ignored the problem at first and convinced everyone I was recovering from a stomach bug,
which was why I'd lost so much weight. Everyone believed me - everyone except him, that is. He cornered me one afternoon,
and forced the truth out of me. He looked disgusted and disappointed, before walking away, muttering something along the lines
of 'stupid cow, why do that to yourself?'
The truth was, I couldn't help myself. I thought I could control
it, but as time went by, it became clear, that I was no longer the one in control. The look on his face made me feel so low
about what I'd done, I went home that afternoon and ate whatever I could get my hands on. I was so used to throwing up by
now, the food came straight back up again. In the end, I'd given up trying. It wasn't until he called round with the doctors
I was willing to even consider accepting help. As far as I was concerned, I didn't have a problem with food. My only problem
was my weight. I was still far too fat, and I needed to lose weight - fast!
Kelly sat and listened patiently, nodding from time to time.
I admired her. I set myself a target - by the time I left Westlake, I wanted to look like Kelly. She was so beautiful and
slim. I looked down in disgust at my flat stomach, pinching the skin and watching it bounce back. I had to lose weight, or
she might stop speaking to me. She wouldn't want a fat friend showing her up. Three months into my stay at Westlake, Kelly
died. Her weight had dropped so far below the norm, her immune system had started attacking her own organs. Doctor's there
tried to help her, but like I said, we're not the ones in control. Not anymore.
I was in shock for days after she died. I didn't want the same
thing to happen to me, but no matter how hard I tried, my body just would not accept food. For the first time in my life,
I realised that this disease could kill me. Weigh days became the bane of my life. I hated them with a passion. Stepping on
those scales every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, my heart seemed to stop for a brief moment, until those fateful numbers
were read out. 6 stone exactly, five stone 9lbs, 5 stone 7lbs. No matter what I ate, or how I was force fed, the weight just
kept dropping off. It wasn't until I reached 5 and a half stone that the doctors got worried and put me in isolation. I wasn't
allowed to speak to any of the other girls directly in case I tried to give them my food. I was on watch 24/7, in case my
heart packed up. I didn't have any time to myself. After nearly a month in isolation, I gradually started putting weight back
on. I was allowed to exercise with the group, but only for 20 minutes. Eventually, I got back up to 6 and a half stone, and
after being kept under close observation for a month, I was finally allowed back home.
You wouldn't believe how much life can change in the space of
a year. At school, I've gone from being the popular one to being the outcast. Everyone knows what happened and they avoid
me in the corridors. They don't know what to say or how to act around me. Even he doesn't speak to me anymore. Diary, I don't
know what I've done wrong? I couldn't help the way I was. I'm over my eating disorder now, but I'll have to suffer with it
forever now. Things will never be the way they used to be. All this because of one kiss. The kiss of life - for me, it was
very nearly the kiss of death.
In order for you to understand who I really am, you must first
know my story. It's a story I am used to telling, but one that I will never fully understand myself. It's the story that changed
my life forever. The effects love and loss can have on a child, especially one as easily influenced as myself.
I'm not sure I know exactly what happened to make me this way.
I never used to care what people thought of me. The way I saw it, if somebody didn't like me, that was their problem. I wasn't
willing to change who I was for anyone. Anyone except him, that is. He always made little jokes about my weight, saying I
was prettier than the other girls because I was curvier. I took it the wrong way, thinking that was just a polite way to tell
me I'm fat. It wasn't until I'd dropped down to 7 stone that he noticed something wasn't right. He must have realised it was
partly down to the things he said, because he started apologising and telling me he was only joking. Obviously, by that time
it was too late to say sorry. The damage was done, it was pointless apologising for things that had happened as a result of
his 'jokes'. My confidence levels hit a new low, and I now wouldn't leave the house unless I'd gone without breakfast in the
I was just nine years old the first time I met him. He moved
in next door, and we didn't exactly hit it off right away. In fact, we absolutely hated each other. I saw him as the annoying
little boy who pulled my hair and tripped me up in the garden, and he saw me as the moody little girl who spent all her time
trying to bug him. I don't know what happened to make us become friends, but at high school, suddenly everyone wanted to know
me, and I guess he just followed the crowd. In no time at all, we were inseparable. He was no longer annoying, he was like
the brother I never had. I looked up to him, and he made me feel safe. It was entirely understandable that when things with
him started going downhill, I fell in with the wrong crowd and turned my whole life upside down. Part 2
I suppose I'd better start the story by introducing myself.
My name is
for short). I was sent to Westlake three years ago, when I was just fifteen. It might not seem like that long ago, but to
me, it seems like a lifetime away. That chapter of my life is over - for now at least, but I still don't really know where
it began. The he I kept referring to - that's another story entirely. I'll tell you about that later. For now, I'll stick
to the troubles I had with food and my image.
I was always a pretty girl - or so I was told. I never saw it
myself. Being 5 foot nine and weighing just over nine stone, every single girl at school told me I had a figure to die for.
I didn't agree with them. I hated my body even back when I was thirteen. I was slim, but that didn't mean I looked like a
boy. I had hips and boobs, just like any average girl. I didn't like it though. Finding trousers that fit was murder. It's
bad enough they don't do trousers for long legged girls like me (my nickname at school was hopper, because my legs were apparently
like a grasshoppers. I think that's where my fear of grasshoppers stems from.) The fact that they didn't sell trousers for
curvy girls that had small waistlines and big hips was a piss take. I ended up having to buy trousers in size 12, although
my waist was a petite size 8. I usually ended up buying low cut hipsters, but then my underwear was always on show. The worst
thing was the comments I got from jealous girls at school. They called me a slag just because of it, and it made me really
self conscious. I was constantly pulling my trousers up to avoid any embarrassing flashes, but there was always one or two
occasions I'd forget.
The boys in school weren't too bad - apart from when they tried
looking down my top. I guess it was a natural thing for them to do, so I didn't pay too much attention. It was hard to do
that at Westlake though. Everyone's eyes were on you the whole time. There was nowhere to hide from it. The pressure to be
slim was unbelievable. If anybody dared put on weight between weigh days, they were shunned by the rest of the group until
the next weigh day. I found the last few months there the hardest. I'd acknowledged I had a serious problem, and after seeing
Kelly die, I'd decided to try and beat it. The girls didn't like the fact that I was trying to get better. They didn't realise
they were ill, they just thought they were fat. I was excluded from social gatherings, and forced to spend more and more of
my time alone. By the time I got out, I was so used to spending time alone, I shied away from people. I gradually accepted
that I could beat this on my own, but I couldn't keep it beaten. I needed people around me to help me. The problem was finding
them. Nobody in school wanted to know me anymore, they all avoided me in the corridors and sat away from me in the canteen.
It was hard to stay focussed when things like that happened, but I soon learned to get over it. I didn't need them bringing
me down. I was strong and beautiful, and nobody else's opinions mattered anymore. All that was important was what I thought
of myself, and right now, I'd never felt better. The
first day back at school reminded me of my first day at Westlake. It was a daunting prospect, returning to the real world
after having spent so long being cocooned, and I was having a hard time getting used to freedom. I was now in control of my
own eating habits, just like I had been before. Only this time, I wasn't going to make the same mistakes again. I was stronger
and wiser, and there was no way was going to go back to the way it was. I hated feeling helpless and weak, and hated being
at Westlake even more. It was a prison in it's own right. We were monitored constantly, I'd sometimes felt like a goldfish
in a bowl. It was like I was there for the whole world to look at. Back at school, I felt exactly the same. Everyone stared
at me, whispered behind my back and giggled constantly. They made me paranoid at first, but I soon learned to ignore them.
If I was to recover completely, I had to block out all the negativity that surrounded me. As I walked down the crowded corridor
to my next class, I felt myself get pushed and I went sprawling across the floor, my books flying out of my hands. As I scrambled
to pick them up, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to be met with the deepest
eyes I'd ever seen. I recognised them from somewhere, but it wasn't until I focussed on the person's face I realised who
it was. My free hand flew up to my face and I stifled a cry. It was him...the cause of all my problems.
Part 3
I scrabbled about trying to collect my books. I wanted to
get away from him as soon as possible. Just being this close to him was making me feel things I should not have felt, and
if I wanted to get better, I had to block him out of my head and get on with my life without him. It was easier said than
done though. As I stood up and started walking away, I heard him shout my name. I ignored him and carried on walking, fighting
the tears that were springing to my eyes. Why did it have to be so hard? Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I hated the
fact that he could still do this to me...make me fall apart just by saying my name. He'd done it before, only I hadn't minded
then. It made me feel good that someone liked me...especially someone like him. If he liked you, it meant that you were pretty,
popular and basically, part of 'the cool kids' gang. I shook my head, trying to push the memories out. We'd had so much fun
together. I didn't want it to be this way. I just wanted to go back to how it was before any of this happened... before Westlake,
before moving here, but most of all, before him.
As I turned the corner, I caught a glimpse of him out of the
corner of my eye. He was stood a few metres away and his head was hanging. I felt a sharp pang in my heart and tried to push
it away. He wasn't the victim here...I was. I'd nearly died because of what he'd done to me, so why was I so concerned. Why
did I care about hurting him. The truth...I loved him. I don't think I ever stopped. All the time I was at Westlake, I carried
a photo of him with me. I thought I'd lost it once, and I remember going into a blind panic. I'd refused to go anywhere or
do anything until I got it back. That included eating. I went nearly a whole week without any food passing through my lips
before one of the girls returned it to me. I never made that mistake again. I'd let him hurt me as much as I was going to.
From here on, I would have nothing more to do with him. The photo would serve me as a reminder of all the bad things in my
life that happened because of him. I wasn't going to let him win this one. I pushed him out of my head and carried on walking. I walked straight out of the school gates and didn't
stop until I got to the cemetery. I wanted someone to talk to, and right now, my best bet was Kelly. I made my way over to
the familiar patch of earth and sat down.
"Hey Kel. I know I haven't been here for a while. I'm really
sorry, but I've been so heaped with coursework, I honestly haven't had time. I've been thinking about you a lot though. I
don't understand why you were the way you were. You were a beautiful person, and I'm sure you would have been just as nice
without starving yourself. I can't say this enough times, but thank you so much. In a way, you helped me more than the people
at Westlake ever could. They wanted me to get better, but I didn't like the way they were doing it. They didn't understand
that we can't be forced to eat. We have to want to do it. After you died, I realised that I didn't want that to be me. I didn't
want to push myself so far, I couldn't come back from it. Most of all, I wasn't going to let him win. I was strong enough
to beat this stupid disease, and I was beautiful as I was. I didn't need to starve myself. I miss having you here to talk
to. I know I come here a lot, but it's not the same. You can't talk back, you can only listen, and sometimes I don't know
if that's enough."
I don't know how long I was sat there, but when I realised it
was getting dark, I stood up. "I'll be back soon, I promise. I won't leave it as long this time." I left the rose by her grave
and slowly walked back towards the path.
Part 4
I woke up the next morning, the sunlight glaring in my eyes
and I groaned as I realised I had school today. I reluctantly dragged myself out of the warm bed and staggered over to the
bathroom. A good twenty minutes later, I was back in my room, picking an outfit. I looked through the pile of skirts on my
bedroom floor and quickly decided against it. I had band practise today, and I wasn't going to wear a short skirt in case
he was in the room practising too. I wasn't ready to deal with that yet.
I finally settled on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, along with
my converse. As I was getting dressed, I looked up at the clock and realised that if I didn't get a move on, I'd be late.
I ran down the stairs, tripping over my laces and landing in a heap at the bottom. "Damn laces, they never stay tied up."
I picked myself up and carefully inspected myself for any bruises. There were none, so I carried on towards the front door.
"I'll be home late today mum, I'm staying behind for practise." I was nearly out of the door when she called me back. "
, you haven't had any breakfast." "Mum, I'm late, I'll grab something on the way." "You'll do nothing of the sort. Come back
here and eat something or you're not going to school today." I sighed and trudged back into the kitchen where she placed a
slice of toast in front of me. She watched me like a hawk as I chewed and swallowed bite after bite. "Mum, can you stop staring?
Please? I'm not going to spit it out." "Sorry, darling. It's just, we worry about you...after everything that happened with
..." "DON'T mention his name around me! I'm sick and tired of people talking about him. What he did nearly killed me, so
excuse me if he's not exactly my favourite person right now." I swallowed the last bite of the toast and stood up, angrily
flinging my bag over my shoulder.
At school, I met up with
outside the music area. "Hey girls, sorry I'm late. Mum wouldn't let me out of the house until I'd had breakfast, you know
how it is." "Yeah. Anyway, we were thinking. If we want
to succeed, we have got to start doing more practise sessions, or we'll never get anywhere...so I've managed to get our teachers
to agree to let us out of lessons all week to practise on the condition we perform in assembly at the end of term." We all
shared a hug and started cheering, getting a few weird looks from other students. "
, you are brilliant, thank you so much." "Oh, yeah, you have lessons with
.." "Don't say it!" "
, you have to talk about him at some point. It's obvious you still care about him, otherwise you wouldn't be acting like
this." "No, I don't. I hate him. I hate him for the way he treated me and what he did to me." "And what did he do?" "Told
me he loved me, and kissed that slag in front of the whole school. Can we please change the subject?" I pushed the door to
the music room open and came face to face with him yet again.
I scowled and pushed past, but he grabbed my arm. "Get off me!"
, please don't be like this. I've been meaning to talk to you, but you keep running off." "I wonder why. I nearly died
. I nearly died because you lied to me and you hurt me. I don't want anything to do with you again. I meant it when I said
its over. You're nothing but a lying, cheating, irresponsible git. You're nothing to me. Not anymore. I wish I'd never met
you. Now please, just stay the hell away from me." I ignored the hurt look on his face and the shock on
's as I grabbed the drumsticks from my bag and started drumming, venting all my anger and pain out on the drums. I tried
in vain to hold my own tears back as he ran out. I knew I'd been too hard on him...half of the things I'd said weren't even
true. I was still in love with him, just like
said, but I wasn't willing to put my heart on the line again. I couldn't let myself fall that badly again, and keeping him
away from me was the only way I'd succeed. If I let him in again, I knew it would lead to more tears.
The girls came up to me and each wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"I'm right, aren't I? You do still have feeling for him." I nodded slowly as I collapsed in tears, sliding down the wall onto
the floor. I felt so empty and lost without him. "I just want this all to go away
. I want to go back to the way it used to be, when we were kids and we mucked around and nothing was this hard. I want it
to go back to how it was when we were together, because those were the best times I had. I don't want to be this girl anymore.
I don't want to be the one everyone feels sorry for. I just want to be me."
Part 5
That was the first time I'd allowed my real feeling to escape,
and now I'd said it, I couldn't take it back. I still loved him, despite everything he'd ever done to me. I could try and
hide it form everyone, but at the end of the day, it wasn't going to go away.
I pulled myself together and took the drumsticks away from
. "Come on, we've got a rehearsal to do. Don't look at me like that, I'm fine. And if this gets out, I'll know who it came
from. I don't want him to know that I can't even deal with life because he's not around." They looked at each other and shrugged
before taking their positions.
I'm dreaming about tomorrow I'm thinking
of yesterday I consume myself in sorrow This moment in time is what I betray I am searching for the answers
I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause
I don't know which way to go I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause my life is spinning out of control
I never know what you want I never know what
you need it was different from the start when you cut me in two I never thought I would bleed but I am searching
for the answers
I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause
I don't know which way to go I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause my life is spinning out of control
I will go this alone I don't need nobody's help I've
got to do this myself Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone
I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause
I don't know which way to go I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause my life is spinning out of control I look
around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause I don't know which way to go I look around sometimes I get sad, 'Cause my life
is spinning out of control
The song was one I'd heard a million times before, and I related
to it 100%. I knew that life was full of problems, and that I'd have to deal with them alone if I was to get anywhere. I couldn't
show emotion, I couldn't let myself cry or feel. I had to be numb to be strong. Part 6
We worked really hard over the next few weeks, trying to get
the songs ready on time for the end of term assembly at school. I spent all my free time writing songs and practising, by
the time it came to performing, I was a recluse. I hardly spoke to anyone, I'd even started ignoring
. I was sick and tired of them trying to tell me what I should do. They didn't understand what a dilemma I was facing. I
in my life, but there was no way I could forgive and forget what he'd done to me.
I saw the girls walking down the corridor towards me and instantly
jumped up, slipping through the crowds to safety. As much as I loved them and knew they only wanted to help, I needed some
time on my own. I couldn't sit there and listen to them harping on about
and his friends all day, it was doing my head in. I couldn't explain to them the reason I'd been so upset when we broke up...it
had nothing to do with the fact that he'd kissed another girl and everything to do with the fact that he knew about my older
cousin dying. He knew exactly how much I needed him at that point in time, yet he still chose to turn his back on me. That
was what I couldn't forgive.
As I shut the door to the music room behind me, I let out a
sigh of relief. I couldn't run from them for much longer, and I couldn't run from my problems forever, but for now, I was
more than happy to do so. I didn't understand why I had to change, or why I had to make the first move as far as
was concerned. He'd made a mistake, he was the one that should apologise to me. I walked over to the microphone and started
I've got another confession to make I'm your fool Everyone's
got their chains to break Holding' you Were you born to resist or be abused?
Is someone getting the best, the
best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you?
Are you gone
and onto someone new? I needed somewhere to hang my head Without your noose You gave me something that I didn't have But
had no use
I was too weak to give in Too strong to lose My heart is under arrest again But I break loose My
head is giving me life or death But I can't choose I swear I'll never give in I refuse
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Has
someone taken your faith? Its real, the pain you feel You trust, you must Confess Is someone getting the best,
the best, the best, the best of you? Oh...
Has someone taken your faith? Its real,
the pain you feel The life, the love You die to heal The hope that starts The broken hearts You trust, you
must Confess
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the
best, the best, the best of you?
I've got another confession my friend I'm no fool I'm getting tired of starting
again Somewhere new
Were you born to resist or be abused? I swear I'll never give in I refuse
Is someone
getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you? Has
someone taken your faith? Its real, the pain you feel You trust, you must Confess Is someone getting the best,
the best, the best, the best of you? Oh...
I was just putting everything back in it's place when I heard
something behind me. I spun round quickly and froze in shock. Part 7
was stood opposite me with a smile on his face. "What!" I snapped,
feeling more than a bit trapped by the situation. I knew I had to speak to him sooner or later, but I hadn't wanted to face
him alone. I was incapable of putting up the barriers unless I had one of the girls there with me. It made me feel helpless,
but then again, that's how I always felt around him. It's just one of those things in life, where it doesn't matter how hard
you try and get over someone, it's never quite good enough.
"You're really good. Are you performing that song at the end
of term?" "I don't really think that's any of your business, do you?" "
, come on." "Don't call me that!" "Fine,
. Why are you giving me such a hard time over this? We might not get on much, but we're still at school, and we have to make
an effort. People expect us to act civil towards each other." "Well,
, I don't give a rat's arse what they expect. You hurt me, I'm hurting you back. It's that simple." I packed the mic away, pushing past him roughly to get to the door. "You're only doing this to get back
at me, and you're upset because it isn't working. You wanna know why it isn't working? I'm over you. I forgot about everything
that ever happened between us while you were at Westlake. If you ask me, they sent you to the wrong part of the hospital.
You should have gone to the mental disorders clinic, because you're a psycho. We're over,
, deal with it." I tried to choke back the tears. there was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me
cry. "I know we're over...the reason I was even at Westlake is because we were over, except you forgot to tell me. You're
supposed to break up with one girlfriend before you get with the next, it might do you good to remember that. There is no
way on this earth I would ever be with you again, you lowlife jerk. I just hope she was worth losing me, because you've blown
it big time." I walked out, slamming the door, just in time to hear him mutter something under his breath. "She wasn't worth
it...nothing ever is."
I ran from the music room as fast as I could, bumping into someone
as I turned the corner. "Whoa,
, slow down babes. What's wrong?" "Nothing, I just had a bit of a run in with
. I'll be fine, there's something I need to do first. Tell the teacher I had to sort something out urgently. I'll call you
later... if I don't it means something's wrong. I'm going to be at the cemetery, I need to sort something out." I left the
school, not giving her a chance to reply or ask any questions. I knew this was the right thing to do. If I left and didn't
come back, nobody would miss me, least of all
. I'd be doing them all a favour. Part 8
I turned the corner into the cemetery and sat by Kelly's grave
again. 'Hey Kel, it's me again. I don't know what I'm doing here, I guess I just needed someone to talk to. You're the only
one who really understands. I know this might sound stupid, but I really need some advice.
's been on my case again. That's the reason I was at Westlake. He really hurt me, and I'm still trying to get over it. I'm
still trying to get over him. I just wanted to know whether it's time to forgive and forget. He's trying to change, and I
don't know if he knows how much he's still hurting me. I just want it to go back to how it used to be.'
I picked up my school bag and made my way back home, convinced
that I was making the right decision. As soon as I got home, I packed a few clean outfits and a photo of me and
taken just weeks before I went to Westlake. I had to get out of here in order to get better. Not wanting to leave without
saying goodbye to
, I reluctantly headed back to school.
"Sorry I'm late sir, I had something I needed to sort out."
"Well, Miss
, I'm so glad my lesson didn't come in the way of your social life. See me after the lesson please." I groaned and slumped
down in my seat. As I pulled out my exercise book, I heard someone speak up. "Sir, I'm afraid
can't stay behind today. She has to go to band practise, they're performing next week and they need to put the finishing
touches to the songs." I turned around, ready to thank whoever had just got me out of trouble and my face fell when I saw
it was
. What was he doing? I smiled at him and turned back to the front, scribbling down the notes from the board.
A screwed up note landed on my desk and I opened it, reading
the message written on it. 'Meet me outside the front at the end of the day. We need to talk.
xx' I scribbled a note back and threw it back over to
. At the end of the day, I waited anxiously outside the front gate for him. I looked down at my watch, and realised that
I'd just missed my train. Maybe after today, I wouldn't need to leave.
Part 9
Just as I was about to leave,
turned up. He was out of breath, which made it obvious he'd been running. "Sorry I'm late. I had to sort out something with
the guys." "It's fine. What did you want to talk about?" He paused for a while, contemplating whether to tell me. "Us. I know
what I said in the music room, but I was wrong. I just didn't want to let you know how much you were getting to me. The way
we ended...I know it was my fault, and I just wanted to apologise. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I just didn't know
what to do or say to make it better, so I took the cowards way out. I pushed you away and hurt you even more, and I'm sorry.
Can you ever forgive me?"
I looked into his eyes and saw that he was being sincere. I
wanted to forgive him ,but at the same time, it wasn't going to be that easy to put it behind me. He'd apologised now, and
that made me feel better, but I couldn't forget everything he'd done to me. "
,I...I appreciate you doing this, but I need time. I will try, but it's going to be hard. I just don't want things to go
back to the way they were, because that would just make everything I’ve been through seem irrelevant, and it's not.
It's a part of me now...it defines who I am inside. I refuse to let go of those memories, because it scares me. It scares
me that I could go back to how I was. I didn't like that person, that wasn't who I am." His face fell as I finished speaking. I rested my hand on his cheek and he looked up at me. "I never
meant for any of this,
. I just want us to go back in time to how it used to be. Back when it was us against the world. I miss that...I miss you.
I miss waking up with you next to me and I miss just being with you. I'm sorry." "
, I can't do this. Don't pressure me into it, because you'll only end up getting hurt. I don't want to hurt you, I really
don't. Things will get better eventually, and you never know...we could go back to how it used to be." "So there's a chance?"
"There's always a chance for love." I looked at my watch again. "I have to go, my mum will be waiting for me." "I'll walk
you home."
We walked down the road side by side in silence until he noticed
my bag. "What have you got in there?" "Oh, just stuff." "
, tell me the truth." "I was thinking about leaving. I packed my bag and I would have left if you hadn't given me that note.
I just wanted to get away from here." Part 10
"What do you mean, get away from here?" "I mean I was just going
to get on a train to wherever and leave my old life behind. Start again somewhere else. This might just be a game to you,
, but I stopped playing a long time ago. I can't afford to let anyone hurt me again. You saw what it did to me last time.
If that happens to me again, I could die." "Die?" "Yes. My body got used to not being fed on a regular basis, but that didn't
mean that it could function properly. At one point, they were so worried about me, they put me in isolation just so I could
pile the weight back on. That hurt me, because they were taking everything I had left. They took my control." "
, I didn't know. I'm sorry, I never meant...Why didn't you tell me this before?" "Because you were the reason for it all.
I didn't want to hurt you, despite how much you hurt me. I couldn't bring myself to tell you that my whole life was going
downhill because of what you did. I didn't want to admit it to myself, let alone anyone else. I mean, how sad is it. I can't
even cope with my own life unless you're part of it. After everything you put me through, I still need you." He stood gob
smacked in the middle of the road.
I carried on walking, furiously wiping the tears away. I heard
footsteps behind me and slowed down to wait for him. "
, what if I said to you that I’ve changed. I'm a different person now. Being apart from you killed me, and it made
me realise exactly how much you mean to me. Let me look after you...I want to be there for you." "It's not that simple. Firstly,
I've only got your word for it that you've changed. I don't trust you yet, so I’m not likely to believe you. Secondly,
it shouldn't have taken something like that for you to realise how much I mean to you. You should just know...that's what
relationships are for. Thirdly, I don’t need looking after. I know what I'm doing to myself, I'm not likely to put myself
through that again. besides, I've had enough of being looked after by my parents. It's like being five again, they won't let
me go anywhere or do anything unless they've seen me eat, and they're sure that I haven't made myself throw it up. And fourth,
I don't need your help. I need your support, but not your help. This is something I have to deal with alone." "Whatever. I
just want you to get better. I want to win your trust back, because I need you too." Part 11
Over the following months,
spent all his free time with me. every time he wrote a new song or did well at school, he'd come to me and tell me all about
it. I could tell he was desperate to win my trust back, and to be quite honest, I was desperate to give it. However, it wasn't
that simple. I was ready to say I trusted him, but I wasn't sure I was ready to actually trust him. It was definately harder
than I thought it would be to hold back. Times like those reminded me how happy we'd been together. I wanted that feeling
back. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, I wanted
, can you help me out here? I've been talking for the last half hour and you haven't heard a single word I've said, have
you?" "Yeah I di...no, you're right. I'm sorry, I'll pay attention this time." "Right. I was wondering..." "Do you want to
bunk off the rest of the day and come to mine. It'll give us a chance to talk without anyone interfering." "Er, yeah, I guess.
I'll meet you out the front in ten minutes, I just need to go and sort something out." He kissed me on the cheek, just catching
the corner of my lips and ran off in the opposite direction.
I waited for him outside the front like we'd agreed. He turned
up on time and pulled out a single red rose from behind his back. "Aw, thank you. It's beautiful." I kissed him lightly, not
allowing the smile to break out on my face. "Like you. I called in a favour from the groundskeeper. Shall we go?" "Yeah. Just
make sure no-one sees us, cos then we're for it." I
opened the front door and pulled
in. "We'd better get upstairs in case my mum comes home. Come on." "Ok, ok. Mind the hair. It took me ages to get it perfect
this morning." "Shame that. A lot of time wasted, really." "Oi! My hair does not look that bad. Does it?" He instantly started
fretting about the state of his hair, checking his reflection in every possible surface. "
, your hair is fine. I was joking."
Part 12
We were sat in my bedroom, just joking about and making funny
faces at each other when it happened. I dropped something on the floor and we both leaned across to get it, our lips meeting
for the briefest of moments. I felt a spark of electricity bolt down my spine as I pulled away and looked into his eyes. I
could tell by the look on his face that he'd felt it too. "
, what just happened there?" "I don't know, but it felt good."
I guess that it made things a bit awkward between us because
we didn't joke about anymore, and we didn't pull funny faces at each other. Instead, I switched on my computer and logged
in on MSN, leaving him sat on my bed looking around. I smiled as I saw
's name pop up on the screen.
'hey, how are ya?' 'I’m good. do you fancy coming out
for a bit?' 'I can't,
's here, I can't kick him out.' '
? As in your
? As in
that broke your heart?' 'Yeah, him.' 'what's he doing there?' 'I invited him. I thought we needed to talk. he deserves
a chance to explain.' 'yeah, and your mum knows about this?' 'not exactly.
, please don't say anything. it's going really well, I don't want to spoil things, although I think they already have been.'
'Why, what happened?' 'we kinda kissed. it wasn’t like a proper kiss or anything, but it's made things really
awkward.' 'you did what?! you're such a slag when it comes to him, honestly
. anyway, babes, I gotta go. tonnes of coursework, you know how it is. I’ll see you tomorrow.' 'bye.'
I signed out and turned my attention back to
, who was sprawled out on my bed. I lay next to him, resting my head on his chest. "You could at least have taken your shoes
off." "You could at least be nice enough not to squash me." Part 13
I woke up the next morning with my head still on
's chest. I could hear him breathing, and in a way it comforted me. He looked so innocent and frail when he was asleep. I
found it almost impossible to believe that this was the guy that had hurt me so badly. I slowly got up, trying my best not
to wake him, and tiptoed to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection and scolded myself. I couldn't
believe that it was happening again. I'd fallen for him. I splashed my face with ice cold water to wake myself up a bit, then
made my way back to my room.
By this time,
had started waking up, and I stood by the door watching him stretch and yawn. "Morning." All I got in response was a grunt
and another yawn. "Yeah, I forgot you're not a morning person." "Yeah, coming from little miss you wake me up before noon
and I’ll castrate you on the spot
!" "Shut up! I am not that bad in the mornings." "Maybe not now, but you were back then. You kicked me out of bed one morning
- quite literally - because I sneezed and woke you up." "Can we not talk about that please?" He got up and stretched again,
making me feel even smaller in comparison to him. "You know I'm right." "
, for once in your life, will you just do as you're told and shut up." "Make me!" "Fine, I will!"
I ran at him from the door and launched myself onto him, knocking
him backwards onto my bed. "
, babe, its already past noon, why are you so grouchy now?" "
, babe, believe me, you don't wanna see grouchy." "You need to lighten up." "You need to shut up" "I said make me!" "You
asked for it." I leaned forwards and kissed him, meaning to pull back after a few seconds, but finding myself unable to. "Ok,
that was not a 'I’m only kissing you to shut you up' kiss. What's going on?" "Honestly? I don't know. I think..." "I
love you." "I love you too." Part 14
After that, well, things pretty much went back to how they used
to be. It was always me and
, and I loved the feeling. I loved him. All the superficial bitches that had ditched me after me and
split suddenly wanted to be my friends again. I didn't pay much attention to them. I had all I needed. Me and
were back together,
stuck by me through everything. They were against the idea of me getting back with him at first, but only because they knew
what I’d been through after we broke up. they knew everything, including how much I love him, and at the end of the
day, love was always going to win. the two of them gave in the end, but not without giving
a warning of what would happen to him if he ever hurt me again. Have you ever seen hotshots part deux? No? well, here's what
happens. the guy gets kneed in the balls and spits them out. sounds painful, huh?
When I first found out, I flipped completely. I mean, there
was only one person that was going to have the honour of inflicting that kind of pain on him, and that was me. then I realised
that the girls hadn't said it because they actually wanted to do it, they'd said it to protect me. that's why they're my best
friends. and
completely ignored them. that's why he's my boyfriend. he does his own thing, he doesn't let anyone hold him back. besides,
I think he learned his lesson the first time. he won't dare come that close to losing me again. it hurt him more than it hurt
me. apparently, he cried in front of everyone, which, as the most popular guy in school, you just don't do without losing
some credibility. or in his case, a lot of credibility. none of that's important though. to me, all that matters is that we're
together again, just like we were meant to be. do you believe in fate? no, neither did I until this happened. maybe some thing
are just meant to be. me and
- we're one of them.
over the course of this whole thing, I’ve learned some
important lessons. it doesn't matter about the past as long as its not replayed in the future. its not just people who can
change, it's life, and right now, mine couldn't be any better.