I gaped at the magazine on the shelf opposite me. "Oh, my God! Are you seeing this? I mean...are you actually
seeing this? Harry's giving one lucky reader a free drum lesson. I'm his bloody best friend and he won't give me one!" My
best friend (other than Harry of course) rolled her eyes as I went off on one about how unfair it was that he was giving a
free drumming lesson to some random teeny, when I'd been begging him to give me one for years. I'd even offered to pay, yet
every time, he'd say the same thing. "Nicki, I just don't trust you with my drum kit. It cost a lot of money you know." So
he didn't trust me, yet he was willing to give some girl he'd never met before the chance to play the drums. No way was I
letting that happen without putting up a fight. I motioned to my best friend to give me a pen, and started filling in the
form. I couldn't help but laugh at the question that needed to be answered correctly. This was way too easy for someone that
had known him as long as I had. "What the hell are you doing Nicki? You're not entering are you? Please tell me you're not
entering." "Of course I am. I want that bloody lesson, and he owes me big!" I finished filling out my details and placed the
application in an envelope, sealing it and walking off to find the nearest post box. As soon as it was posted, I pretended
to dust off my hands with a satisfied smile on my face. "Can you imagine how cool it would be if I won. God, I can't wait
to see his face!"
And of course, I spent the rest of the week in a huff with Harry, refusing to make eye contact with him. He knew why
I was doing it, I'd heard him talking to Danny and Tom about it the other night when he thought I was asleep. I hated being
mad at him, even if it had to be done. It just didn't feel right, not talking to him and giving him the cold shoulder. Finally,
after a week of me ignoring him, he finally cracked. "Nicki, does it really mean that much to you? This lesson?" I nodded,
still refusing to look him in the eye. "If it's really that important to you, I'll give you a bloody lesson. But if you ruin
my drum kit..." I cut him off, any plans of acting cool going straight out the window as soon as I heard those words. "Thank
you so much! And I promise I'll be careful. I'll even buy you a new kit if I damage this one. I could just kiss you right
now." "Oh, do I get one too?" "Shut up Danny!" I giggled as I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the room, his protests
lost amid my excited screams. "I'm gonna be so good! Watch out, or I might take your place in the band." I soon realsied that
I was dragging him along rather than him walking beside me. "What?" "Do we have to do this now?" "Well, yeah. Just cos you
owe me for making me wait this long." I think he knew there was no way of getting out of it. Once my mind's made up, that's
it. It's my way or the highway. He'd known me long enough to realise that.
He opened the door to the studio, pointing over towards the corner. I squealed as I saw the drum kit, clapping my hands
like an excited child. I hadn't even noticed I'd been holding my breath until I was suddenly finding myself getting a bit
light headed and let it all out. "Wow. I can't believe I'm actually going to play the drums." I bounded over, tripping over
a few things on the way and sat down. I looked over at Harry, but my smile soon faded when I saw he did not share my enthusiasm.
I stood up slowly, letting him take his place. He pulled a set of drumsticks from under the chair and quickly played the intro
to one of the songs on their new album. I watched in awe as he played, smiling slightly at the way he was concentrating so
hard, he hadn't even noticed his tongue poking out. I wished I could be that good. He suddenly stopped and looked over at
me. "You ready?" I nodded, still unable to find my voice. "It makes a nicee change you know." I looked at him, my head tilted
to one side, a confused look on my face. "You not being able to talk. Normally you can't shut up!" "I am not that bad! Watch
yourself or i'll purposely break your drums." "You wouldn't dare!" I gave him a playful shove as I sat down, feeling his body
heat as he sat behind me and brought his arms round to show me what to do. I cursed silently as he leaned forward. Why did
I have to keep insisting he gave me a drum lesson when I knew perfectly well I wouldn't be able to concentrate with him this
close to me.
After about 20 minutes of him trying to teach me the simplest thing in the world and me constantly mucking it up because
I couldn't think straight, he lost it with me. "Nicki! What is the point of getting me to teach you if you won't bloody learn
it?" "I'm trying. And I'm sorry, but if you weren't pressing right into my back, I might be able to concentrate." "You what?!"
"You sitting this close to me is not helping. I can't focus properly. The only bloody reason I wanted drum lessons in the
first place is because I wanted you to notice me as more than just a friend. I didn't realise you were gonna take it this
seriously." "You should have just told me. You didn't have to lie." "yes i did harry, and you know it. if i'd told you, you'd
have laughed in my face and told me that we're just friends." He was now looking at me with an amused smile on his face, apparently
waiting for me to stop rambling so he could get a word in. "I told you you talk too much." And as if to stop me arguing back,
i felt his lips brush against mine softly, seeking permission to deepen the kiss. Who was i to deny him?
I moaned into his mouth as his hand found its way up my skirt, gently tracing up my thigh. "harry. don't tease." I managed
to gasp out as he kissed his ay down my neck and along my collarbone. His hand was still slowly edging up to the one part
of me that was screaming for his attention, and he knew it. the speed with which his hand was moving was driving me wild,
I needed him to up the tempo or i was sure i was going to burst. In the end, i couldn't take it any longer. I grabbed his
hand in my own, guiding it up to my centre. He took the hint, rubbing his thumb over my clit in circular motions. I threw
my head back as he applied pressure, my breathing rate doubling as his fingers continued moving in slow, lazy strokes. I could
feel his erection pressing into my thigh and i slowly undid the button on his jeans, pulling the zipper down with one swift,
clumsy fumble. I felt him take a sharp intake of breath as my hand wrapped around his shaft, and he leaned his head on my
shoulder as i slowly stroked up and down his length. "shit nicki, don't tease." "It's not nice, is it?" I panted back, pulling
my hand away and looking into his eyes. He moved slightly kissing my neck as he pulled me down onto him. I gasped as i felt
him fill me, and i swear i nearly screamed the place down. It had never felt this good before. Then again, it had never been
with harry before. I wrapped my legs around his waist, making him push deeper into me. I was laready close to tipping over
the edge, so when his hand reached between is to gently rub my clit, i knew it wouldn't be much longer. I screamed his name
out as i felt him spurt into me powerfully, biting on my lip to silence myself.
As we remained wrapped in each others arms, breathing heavily, i nuzzled into him. "I hope that the lucky fan doesn't
get that kind of treatment, or i might have to stop you giving that drum lesson." He kissed the tip of my nose, brushing my
fringe out of my eyes as he did so. "Don't worry babe. You really should read the small print." He gave me one last kiss before
pulling away from me, pulling his flies back up and walking out of the room, trying to look as innocent as possible. I pulled
my own clothes straight, stood up and left not long after. I headed straight to the reception area where i'd left my copy
of the magazine. I flicked to the page giving the details of the competition and skim read it. A small smile formed on my
lips as the last three words jumped out at me. "Drummer not included."