Ok, so it's dark outside. And kinda scary if i'm honest. I'm scared of the dark. Have been since
I was a little kid. But don't tell anyone, cos it's embarassing. Not that i ever had to sleep alone when i was little. I always
had one of my best friends round. And yeah, it was a boy. Don't even think about judging me. All my female friends were scared
of the dark too, so it left me no choice. He had to be there. And yeah, when i was little, it didnt matter to me. He was just
a friend. That's all i wanted him to be. That's all i needed him to be, i didn't know about the kind of stuff i know about
now. It's kind of sad really, that he's been my best friend for so many years, and these days? well, i can't even look at
him without having the urge to shag him into tomorrow. I mean, he's not my type at all. In fact, the complete opposite to
what i normally go for. BUT, my god, the boy oozes sex appeal. And to put it simply, I want him.
!" Oh well, there goes the parental cry that means he's here to see me. I look a mess. My hair's not even straight, I still
have the remains of last night's make up smeared across my face and lets not go there with the clothes. "Send him up!" Then
there's the issue of the ever so slightly half naked body lying in my bed, snoring gently. He was meant to be out by now.
I don't usually let them stay til this late, but I did wear him out last night. He could do with the rest. And...oh shit!
was coming upstairs and i had a half naked guy in my bed. No way was he coming in. I quickly pulled my dressing gown on and
closed my bedroom door behind me, bumping into
on the landing. "hey." "Hi." There was a few seconds of awkward silence before he stretched an arm out towards the door. "What
are you doing?" "I'm leaving my stuff in your room." "You can't!" "Why not?" "Because it's a mess and i need to tidy it up
before i let you in there." "
, I don't give a monkey's what state your room is in. Believe me, i've seen worse." "
! Don't go in there." "What's going on? Why am i not allowed in there?" "Because you haven't given me a hug yet." "And that's
it?" I nodded, breathing a sigh of relief as he hugged me and left his bag outside the door. We were on our way back down
the stairs when my bedroom door swung open to reveal my blurry eyed guest stretching, mid yawn.
's jaw dropped and he looked at me. I merely shrugged and smiled. "You sneaky little bitch! You could have told me that there
was a guy in there, I wouldn't have minded. I'm glad one of us is getting some." "Aww,
, honey, you feeling lonely? Never mind, i'll be sure to give you some special attention tonight." "behave!" His hand dropped
to my bum, giving it a little squeeze as we walked into the living room to see my parents.
, how long can we be expecting you for this time?" "I'm not sure yet, it depends on how quickly your daughter gets bored of
me." "Bored of you? Never!" "She worships the ground you walk on, does our
. Always talking about you." "Dad!" "What dear?" "You're embarassing me! Don't pay any attention to them
." "Always talking about me? You miss me that much?" "Ok, its not always, and yes i do bloody miss you that much. You're here
for a few days, then you disappear for three months. I don't know what you're doing half the time." "You don't need to...or
want to for that matter. This popstar thing is pretty useful for a single guy." "Eeewwww,
! That is gross. We don't need to know about how many times a week your pants drop around your ankles." "Shame, i'd have had
fun telling you." "Fine, but not in front of my parents!" I heard the front door close and assumed that my guest had left
for the evening. Charming of him to say bye, don't you think. "Mum, dad, we're turning in for the night, i'm sure
's had a long day. We'll see you tomorrow. You! Upstairs, now!" I pushed him in front of me, ignoring his laughter. He picked
up his bag and followed me into my room, closing and locking the door behind us. "hey, come here." "Why...so you can tell
me how much fun you've had while you've been away?" "It was three girls. And by the looks of it, you haven't exactly been
bored yourself." "Don't turn this on me! I'm not coming to see you every three days and building your hopes up, only to knock
you back down again am i?" "
, you're the one that said we should keep this casual." "Yeah, well maybe i don't want to anymore. Maybe i want you all to
myself rather than sharing you with every girl in Britain that throws herself your way." "So now you want it to be something
serious?" "I think we should give it a chance. Because i think we both know that we don't get better shags anywhere else."
"So its just about the sex?" "I didn't say that...though it does help." "So are you going to come over here or not?" I bit my lip and shook my head, stepping back. He took a few steps forward, keeping his stare on me. I pulled
my dressing gown off, leaving it in a heap on the floor by my feet. He pulled his shirt over his head, leaving it on the chair
by my desk. I watched him as he reached for the buckle on his belt, loosening it, and that soon followed his shirt. I held
my arms up over my head and he took another few steps towards me, pulling my top over my head. He leant down and kissed my
neck, while i undid his jeans and pushed them down around his ankles. He kicked them off, lowering me down onto the bed. He
made quick work of discarding my pyjama bottoms and my girl boxers, leaving me almost naked. He sat up on the edge of the
bed, pulling his boxers down and I clambered across, straddling him. I lowered myself slowly onto his throbbing member, feeling
him enter me. He groaned as i started rotating my hips. His hands moved to my bum, pulling my into him and pushing himself
even deeper inside me. I leaned down to kiss him, our tongues fighting with each other as we bonded. Our breathing had become
rapid and shallow as i continued to grind against him. He came first, shooting his load hard into me and after several seconds,
that pushed me over the edge. I bit down on his shoulder to stifle my moans as the orgasm subsided. It was definately the
most intense one i'd had in a long time, but then that could be put down to the fact that he knew which buttons to press and
how to press them. "God, i'd forgotten what that was like." "See, it's been too long." "I'm not going anywhere for a while.
I'd miss this too much." "So it's all about the sex?" "I didn't say that...but it helps." "Cheeky!" He reached up and pulled
me towards him for another kiss, just as my bedroom door rattled from the outside. "
, are you ok in there?" "Yes mum. we're fine." "Why is this door locked?" "To stop people like you barging in." "I thought
was only trying to teach you to not be scared of the dark." "He is. And it's working. You could almost say i like the dark
now. Do you mind, we were trying to get to sleep." "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and burst into giggles. "Not
scared of the dark anymore, eh?" "Nope." "Ok ,I'll just get my stuff and go next door then." "What?" "Well, if you're not
scared of the dark there's no reason for me to be in here is there." "But i'll miss having someone to snuggle into." "Then
snuggle into a teddy bear." "
, i can't do things like that with a teddy bear. It's politically incorrect to take advantage of a cuddly toy." "Ah well,
we can't do that to poor old ted now can we? Looks like i'm bunking with you again tonight doesn't it?"
Ok, so i wasn't entirely honest at the start. We are a couple of sorts. We used to see each other twice
a month, shag each other senseless a few times a night and then not speak to each other until the next time. Now, we've agreed
to be an actual couple, which means no sleeping with other people. Which suits me just fine actually, because he's more than
enough to handle thank you very much.