Ok, so here i am. Watching my first football game at a stadium.
i really don't want to be here, but my best mate is a bit football mad, and i promised him i'd go with him. I don't understand
this game, i really don't. All i see is 22 men running around after a ball. It's a bit pointless if you ask me. Although they
do have bloody nice legs! Bloody nice everything, some of them. The fans aren't half bad either, i guess. Especially that
cute guy over there. He is HOT! Like majorly! Oh shit, he's looking over here, what do i do? "! That was totally out of order!"
I sighed as i looked down at my coke drenched skirt. "Look at the state of me!" "Chill babe, it will dry off." "
! it's coke! on a WHITE skirt. It won't fucking dry off, it will stain!" "
, you are causing a scene!" "DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE!?" "That cute guy over there is looking this way, calm down."
On hearing that, i instantly shut up, giving
a playful shove before settling down to watch the game. I have to admit, a day out at the footie was nowhere near as bad as
i though it would have been. Even with
bugging the hell out of me, i had a chance of pulling. I pulled my mirror out of my handbag, quickly checking my reflection
and running my hand through my hair to sort it out. "Oooh, tarting yourself up? Who's this in aid of, cos you know i've seen
you slob out and I couldn't care less to be honest." "
, do yourself a favour. Shut up!" "it's that guy over there isn't it? Don't lie to me, I know you. You like him!" "I do not!
I just think he has definate potential." He knows i like
that guy, i can tell. And he looks pissed off about it. Which is weird,cos he's never pissed off with me. At least not until
now. "hey, what's up?" "Nothing." "Don't give me that. You're pissed off about something." "well, i take you to a football
game so we can spend some time together, and you spend more time drooling over the player's legs and some random guy than
you do talking to me. I just don't think it's fair." "Sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Drink?" "Yeah, get me a coke
please. Thanks babe." "No probs, I'll be right back."
I pushed my way through the crowd, feeling incredibly stupid
that I hadn't bothered getting a drink earlier. I could see the disapproving looks from the other fans as they got up to let
me through. I lined up in the queue waiting for my turn to order food and drinks. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but your friend
found this. You might be needing it." I turned around to find the cute guy I had been eyeing up earlier holding my purse.
I blushed and took it from him, our fingers brushing together for a fraction of a second and sending shivers down my spine.
"thanks. Can i get you anything...my way of saying thanks." "Er, no, i'm fine thanks. I'd better be getting back, don't want
to miss the end of the game eh?" "No, i guess not." "Well I guess I'll see you next time..." "
. And yeah, i guess you will." *Two weeks later*
Call me crazy, but i'm back here again. At another football
game. And no, I don't know the offside rule still, i'm not all that fussed to be honest. I just want to see that guy again.
I guess he comes to games a lot cos he said see you next time. That does mean that he comes every time there's a game right?
Oh, I don't know. I'm totally lost. And feel a bit stupid for coming here. I don't even think he's...right there! YES! Oh
god, please don't let me make a fool of myself.
At half time, I headed off to buy a drink, knowing full well
he'd seen me and would come after me. "I see you have your purse today?" "Yeah, I thought it might help me a bit if i actually
had some money." "Tell you what, I'll get this one. I owe you for last time anyway. coke?" "Yeah, please." I smiled and blushed
again as he ordered the drinks. "So, you come here often? Because up until two weeks ago, I'd never seen you here." "Oh, right
yeah. I was here with
. he's a bit mad on football, and dragged me along. I don't get the obsession to be honest." "Oh, right. I didn't realise
you were..." "Oh no. We're not...we're just friends." A big cheer went up around the stadium and he quickly looked round.
"I think the second half's just kicked off. I'll see you back here at the end of the game." Before i could reply, he was gone.
i sat down on the floor next to the exit, sipping my drink. I felt someone pull me up and drag me in the opposite direction.
Before I could react, I was backed into the wall and a pair of lips slammed down on my own. "What about the game?" "Hey, i
can always watch it later. This needs to happen now." "Here?" "Do you see any better places?" I shook my head and moaned as
his lips pressed firmly against my own once more.
We didn't have much time, so we were both desperate for this
to be as quick and as good as possible. I fumbled his belt, trying to unhook it but I was in such a rush, my hands wouldn't
co-ordinate with my brain. I finally managed to pull it open, tugging the zipper on his jeans down at the same time. His free
hand slipped under my skirt, roughly ripping my thong away from my body as I wrapped my legs around him. He slid into me and
i half gasped half moaned as he filled me. I certsinly wasn't in the habit of making out with strange men, but in all fairness,
he had bought me a drink. Which makes me sound like a bit of a whore...oh yeah, buy me a drink and I'll shag you in a crowded
football stadium. I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck as he drove into me over and over again, while kissing my neck
gently. Obviously he hadn't shaved today and the stubble was scratching my neck. Actually, it was kinda turning me on. Like,
a lot!
The danger of getting caught was kinda kinky too. I mean,
anyone could walk in on us, it wasn't exactly like we had walked that far away from the exits, or were bothering to keep our
moans and groans quiet. I could feel that familiar feeling building up and I dug my nails into his back, shuddering slightly
as the orgasm washed over me. He spurted his load, pushing me completely over the edge. As we were getting our breath back,
we heard a noise from around the corner. I jumped, pulling out of his grasp and pulling my skirt down. He quickly pulled his
flies back up, giving me a quick peck on the lips before we casually walked back out just in time to see the home team score.
I smiled as he looked over at me, knowing that this was probably going to be the last time I saw him. Despite our passionate
clinch today, i still wasn't a football fan and I refused to spend £40 a week for a ten minute shag.
After the game, I made my way out, still not entirely sure what
had happened earlier or why. I was so busy thinking about it, I didn't hear my mystery guy calling my name. I didn't see him
running after the bus. I opened the front door and walked into the living room. "
? That you?" "Yeah." "Come into the kitchen for a minute please. There's someone I think you need to meet." I groaned and
got up, dragging my feet a I walked to the kitchen. There was another guy in there with
. "This is
. I believe you've already met, but you don't know his name. He's in the band." "Oh, hey, nice to..." I don't remember what
happened after that. Except I woke up with one hell of a headache and a bump on my head. Yeah, i passe dout in shock, big
whoop! The guy I had had sex with just two hours ago at a football stadium was in my best friend's band. Oh lord, how much
more embarassing could life get? Well, I've been to a lot more games since then. I guess you could say I've got football fever.
And no, the heat doesn't get turned up at every game...although I'm saying nothing about what happens after.