I slid down the pole, writhing along to the music. This wasn’t exactly my
ideal job, but it paid well, and I needed all the money I could get right now. I’m in my second year at uni, which simply
put means I’m skint. It was fun to do I guess. I got paid to be a dancer. An exotic dancer. In other words, a stripper,
basically. I first got involved last year. I came into the bar for a drink and walked in on the fattest row of the century
between the manager and one of the girls. Apparently, she was just too old to work for him. She was only 25. Yeah, tough business,
I know. I don’t know what made me do it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I volunteered to take her place.
He looked me up and down, it felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. After a long silence, he agreed to take me on...as
long as I could fill in for her that same night. Well, I was desperate for money, so I did it. Haven’t looked back since.
John treats us all really well. Won’t let anything happen to his special girls.
There’s a strictly no hands policy at the club, if they catch any of the punters touching any of the girls, they get
thrown out and barred. There’s just one simple rule we have to follow...no getting involved with the punters. John said
it was bad for business, mixing personal lives with work. He didn’t care what we got up to outside the club as long
as it didn’t involve a paying customer. Which suited me just fine until last week. Then he happened. He walked into
the club...you could tell he was a first timer. There’s just something about the way the react to seeing a load of practically
naked girls dancing on the podiums. I have to admit, I knew I was in trouble from the minute he walked in. I had a funny feeling
I was about to break the golden rule and fall for one of the customers. Problem? You bet! He caught my eye and smiled and
that was it. I was head over heels for the guy. He was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Like HOT! I didn’t even know his
name, but believe me I wanted to. I wanted a lot more than just his name. As my set came to an end, I slid off the stage and
walked over to the bar.
. Get me a drink please babe if you’re not busy.” I nodded and jumped over the bar, pouring John a double scotch.
I didn’t understand how he could drink the stuff, I hated the taste and the smell. “Thank you darling. There’s
a guy over there, wanted to know your name. I said you’d go over and talk to him when you get changed.” He indicated
in the vague direction of the cute guy. “Cool, I’ll be out in five.” “Oh,
.” I spun back round to face him, catching the keys to the office with one hand. “Don’t forget about the
rules, I’d hate to have to fire one of my best dancers.” “Don’t worry about it. I’m cool. Catch
you later.” I walked off backstage, swinging my hips a little. I knew John was watching me, and I knew how to calm him
down. I was one of the only girls at the club that knew exactly how to handle him. I got changed quickly, removing all the
stage make-up I was forced to wear and throwing the dirty tissue in the bin. I looked in the mirror, groaning at the sight
before me. If that guy had wanted to get to know me before, he’d be having second thoughts if he saw me now. Well, better
go and test that theory. I took a deep breath as I opened he door to the office and stepped back into the club, looking around
for John.
“Are you off
?” “Yeah, I just wanna go home, have a hot shower and go to bed. I’ve got an early start tomorrow.”
“Alright babe. Looks like you’ve got yourself an admirer.” I turned around to see the cute guy staring straight
at me. “You go girl. He is HOT!” “Shut up! He doesn’t like me.” “
, honey, he hasn’t stopped staring at you since he came in. I thought the poor man was going to have a heart attack
or something when you went off to get changed.” “Yeah, well, that’s just my tough luck, isn’t it.
He’s a paying customer, and you know how John feels about us getting involved with them.” “Screw the rules
and screw what John says. You’ve gotta live a little, and if I had a guy that hot after me, I would pack the job in
and get in there.” “As tempting as that sounds, I need the money.” “Bullshit. You’re just scared
of letting someone in.” “I don’t even know him.” “Yeah, and you never will as long as you’re
sat here talking to me about it. Shit, I’ve got to go babe, I’m on in ten. Look busy, he’s coming over.”
, don’t you dare...hi.” “Hey. I’m
.” “
.” “Can I buy you a drink?” “Er, I don’t mean to sound rude, but I have a really early start
tomorrow and I’ve had a long day. I’d just like to go home.” “Oh. That’s fine. Will you be here
tomorrow?” “It’s my day off tomorrow.” “Oh, ok. Well, I guess I’ll see you around then.”
He turned to walk away and I instantly felt guilty for brushing him off. “
, wait!” He turned back with that smile on his face again. God, why did he have to smile? “Er, here’s my
number. Give me a call later on and maybe we could meet up somewhere.” I scrawled my number onto his hand. My own hands
were shaking so much from the nerves, I could barely write the numbers. “Thanks. I’ll see you later, maybe?”
I nodded and looked up, meeting his eye. I was painfully aware of my burning cheeks, and I was praying I wasn’t too
obvious I was blushing like a schoolgirl. I walked out of the club, stopping just past it to lean on the wall. “Holy
fuck! He’s gorgeous.”
I was completely aware of the fact that I could lose my job because of this guy,
but I wanted him so badly. Every inch of me was dying to find out exactly how good he was. Naturally, when the phone rang,
I pounced on it. “Hello?” “What happened? Did you speak to him?” “
! Put the phone down, he could be trying to call right now.” “You really like this guy don’t you?”
“Yes, I do, so please don’t spoil it for me. I’ll talk to you later.” I put the phone down and went
into the kitchen to get a drink. Get a life
, he’s not going to call right away is he? Just as I was scolding myself, the phone rang in the other room, and I ran
in, tripping over the sofa as I picked up. “Hey.” “Are you ok? I just heard a thud.” “Yeah,
I’m fine. I just dropped something, that’s all.” Yeah, myself. On the floor. And it bloody hurt. I tried
to focus on the conversation as I rubbed my sore knee. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out for that drink.
If you’re not busy, that is.” “No, it’s cool. I’m free whenever.” “Well, would it
be ok if I came to pick you up in about half an hour?” “Sure.” There was a slight pause. “Yeah,
, I’m not psychic babe. I don’t know where you live.” “Oh, right, yeah. Sorry, I’m in a world
of my own. It’s 719 Bridgestock Avenue. It’s the big white house with the huge gate outside.” “Cool.
I’ll see you in half an hour then.” I hung up, realising that I had exactly half n hour to get ready. FUCK!
After a lot more scrambling around the house and painful fallings over, I finally
stood in front of the full length mirror in my room. I’d straightened my hair and it was now falling loosely around
my shoulders. My make up was subtle but enough to cover any blemishes and dark circles under my eyes. I’d opted for
my favourite dress over a knee length skirt and top. I didn’t want to look like I’d tried too hard, but at the
same time, I didn’t want to look like I couldn’t care less. As I picked up my handbag, the doorbell went and I
opened the door to find
standing there with single red rose in his hand. “Thank you.” “You look stunning.” I blushed and looked
down at my feet. This was definately too good to be true. “So, where are we going?” “There’s this
bar I know just up the road. It’s really cool, all the people are really friendly. I think you’ll like it.”
Well if you’re with me, goddamn right I will. I’m going to be the envy of every girl there tonight. He held his
arm out and I linked it. Well what do you know. Good looking and a perfect gentleman. Did this guy have any flaws? “I’m
sorry but I have to ask. What is a gorgeous girl like you doing working in a strip club?” “Earning money. What’s
a guy like you doing visiting those kinds of places. Didn’t your mother tell you that they’re bad?” “No,
interestingly enough, she neglected to mention that in our many conversations about the birds and the bees.” Ok, so
that was kind of a silly thing to say. At least he has a sense of humour. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t. And I’m sorry about earlier at the club. It’s just, my boss is really strict about who
we get involved with. He wants us to be performing at our best so he gets more money. He’s really iffy about guys coming
to talk to us.” “Ah, I see. I’ll just have to try and keep away then, won’t I?” He smiled, and
I just felt like I was going to burst. I didn’t want to be outside in a public place with him. I wanted to be back at
my place so I could drag him off to bed.
*several hours later*
“I’ve had a really great time tonight. Thank you.” “Yeah,
we should do it again some time. Anyway, I’d better leave you to get some rest. I recall you saying something about
an early start tomorrow.” Just say it
. Just ask him to come in, how hard can it be? “Yeah. Uni and all that. Does nothing but waste out your money and tire
you out.” “Well, I’ll call you about arranging that date.” “Ok, I’ll be waiting.”
Stupid girl, why didn’t you say anything. Look, he’s still close enough, just call him back. Do it! “
?” “Yeah?” “Would you like to come in for a bit. It’s just, we’ve been outside for quite
a while, and it’s cold. I wouldn’t want you to get ill or anything.” “Er, yeah, why not?” He
walked back over and I held the door open, barely having enough time to step aside. He brushed past me and my heart rate almost
tripled. “Drink?” “Nah, I’m alright, thanks.” “Ok, I’m just going upstairs to get
changed, make yourself at home. I’ll be two minutes.” I ran upstairs, grabbing my pyjamas from my room and walking
into the bathroom. I stood opposite the mirror, splashing my face with cold water. Calm down
. Don’t blow this. Just breathe. I know how super unbelievably hot he is, but don’t do anything stupid or you’ll
scare him off.
I made me way back down to find
sat on the sofa flicking through the sports channels. “Sorry I took so long. I couldn’t find my top, I had to
make do with this.” I signalled down at the vest top I was wearing. His eyes nearly popped out of his head and I suddenly
felt very self-conscious. “I didn’t mean to…your…sorry.” “It’s fine. They’re
there to be looked at. Besides, you’re my date for the evening, which means you have more right to look at them than
any of the guys down the club.” “Right, well, I’d better go anyway. You’re not the only one who has
to wake up early tomorrow.” I followed him to the door, standing in front of it and twisting a strand of hair around
my finger. “Er, you’re kind of blocking my way out.” “Do you like me
?” “Yeah, I do.” “In that case, I’m sure there wouldn’t be a problem with you staying
the night…unless you have better things to do that is.” He swallowed hard as I bit my lip, looking up at him seductively.
“It’s nothing that can’t wait.” I took his hand and led him upstairs. This was so unlike me, I wouldn’t
normally break John’s rules, but this guy was hot. I opened my bedroom door in silence and pulled him in, kicking it
closed behind us. Our lips only left each other’s for a second as I pulled his t-shirt over his head. I pushed him down
onto my bed, reaching over and switching the CD player on and flicking through the album until I got to the song I wanted.
Ooh, I'm overdue Gimme some room I'm coming through Paid my dues In
the mood Me and my girls gonna shake the room
DJ's spinning (show your hands) Let's get dirrty (that's my jam) I need
that, uh, to get me off Sweat'n til my clothes come off
It's explosive, speakers are pumpin' (oh) Still jumping, six in the morning
Table dancing, glasses are crashin' (oh) No question, time for some action
Temperature's up (can you feel it) 'bout to erupt Gonna get my girls
Get your boys Gonna make some noise
Wanna get rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry
Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Sweat dripping over my body Dancing getting
just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival
Ah, heat is up So ladies, fellas Drop your cups Body's hot Front
to back Now move your ass (ha) I like that
Tight hip huggers (low for ho) Shake a little somethin' (on the floor) I
need that, uh, to get me off Sweat'n til my clothes come off
Let's get open, cause a commotion (ooh oh) We're still going, eight in the
morning There's no stopping, we keep it popping (oh) hot rockin', everyone's talking
Give all you got (give it to me) Just hit the spot Gonna get my girls Get
your boys Gonna make some noise
Rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry Wanna get
dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Ooh sweat dripping over my body dancin' getting just a little
naughty Wanna get dirrty (oh, oh) It's about time for my arrival
Here it comes, it's the one You've been wait'n on Get up get it rough
Yup, that's what's up Giving just what you love To the maximum Uh oh, here we go (here we go)
what to do when the music starts to drop That's when we take it To the
parking lot And I betcha somebody's Gonna call the cops Uh oh's, here we go's (here we go)
Ohh ooh ohh, yeah yeah...
Yo, hot damn, Doc a jam like a summer show I keep my car looking like a crash
dummy drove My gear look like the bank got my money froze For dead presidents I pimp like Huddy roll Doc the one
that excite ya divas (ow!) If the media shine I'm shining with both of the sleeves up Yo Christina, better hop in
here My block live and in color, like Rodman hair (yeah) The club is packed, the bar is filled I'm waiting for
sister to act, like Lauryn Hill Frankly, it's a rap, no bargain deals I drive a four wheel ride with foreign wheels
Throw it up Baby it's brick city, you heard of that We blessed, and hung low, like Bernie Mac Dogs, let 'em
out, women, let 'em in It's like I'm ODB, the way I'm freaking
Wanna get rowdy (rowdy, yeah) Gonna get a little unruly (ruly) Get it
fired up in a hurry (hurry) Wanna get dirty It's about time that I came to start the party (party) Sweat dripping
over my body (body) dancing getting just a little naughty Wanna get dirty It's about time for my arrival
“What are you…” I put a finger to his lips to silence him. “Just
watch.” I turned my back to him and took a few steps away and started swinging my hips to the music. It was the song
I started my set with at the club, and it usually got a pretty good response. I grabbed the bottom of my vest top, pulling
it up over my head and throwing it aside before turning to face him. I heard him take a sharp intake of breath as I took a
step towards him, my fingers hooked onto the top of my pyjama bottoms. I slowly slid them down my legs, stepping out of them
and taking another step towards him. His reaction to my strip tease was growing more obvious by the second as I leaned over
and kissed him, pushing him back down. Not breaking away from the kiss, I reached down and pulled down the zip of his jeans.
As I pulled back, he stood up and pulled them down, leaving us both standing in just our underwear. I gave him one more kiss
on the lips before dropping to my knees, gently pulling his boxers down and exposing his erection. I let my tongue circle
his tip, teasing him with my actions, promising more than I was delivering. He closed his eyes as I finally let my mouth sink
over his hard-on, moving in long strokes. “Shit,
!” His knees buckled slightly as he came, shooting warm spurts of cum into the back of my throat. I pulled away and
stood up, licking my lips as I pulled him towards me for yet another kiss. “I hope you’re going to return the
favour.” I discarded my thong and lay down on the bed, as he trailed wet kisses along my stomach. His fingers found
their target, driving into me and I half gasped, half moaned as his thumb brushed over my throbbing clit. I closed my eyes,
trusting him entirely. After a few seconds he removed his fingers and I opened my eyes. That was hardly fair! I was just about
to say something when I felt his tongue take their place. He flicked backwards and forward over my centre, and I could feel
the orgasm building up in the pit of my stomach. I arched my body towards his tongue, wanting the feeling to last. He pulled
away, leaving me tingling all over and breathing heavily. He gently slid back up my body, my lips eagerly seeking out his
as I recovered from my orgasm.
“Who’d have thought that breaking the rules could be so fun?” “You
mean your mother never said to you ‘do as you’re told’?” “I never listened. If I had, we wouldn’t
be here now.” “And that would be a damn shame.” “Mm-hmm.” I looked straight into his eyes as
he brushed my hair out of my face. My chest was still heaving, but now it was because being this close to him was making me
stir-crazy. I needed him in me now. It was almost as if he read my mind as he lifted up slightly, positioning himself before
sinking into me. “Do you think, maybe, this could turn into something more than just tonight. Because I’d really
like it to.” “Me too. I never really liked that job anyway.” I smiled at him and he smiled back, without
a pause in his thrusts. His lips clamped down on mine, stopping us both from making a sound other than a moan as he shot his
load inside me. He kissed my neck as he pulled out, and I moved slightly to one side to make some room for him next to me.
The track was still on repeat in the background as I picked up my phone and dialled the club’s number. John picked up
on the second ring. “
, I’m glad you called honey.
’s just called in sick, so I need you to cover for her tomorrow.” “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“What do you mean you can’t? While you’re working for me, you’ll do as I say.” “It’s
a shame I’m not working for you anymore then, isn’t it. I quit.” “Is this something to do with that
guy that came in tonight? You know my rules
.” “Yeah, I do, and I’ve decided that I want to give him a chance. If you’re making me pick between
my job and
, there’s no contest. He’d win every time. He sees past the girl that’s up on stage every night at the
club. He sees the real me. None of the men that come to see us do that. They all have wives and kids for fuck’s sake.
I’ll be round tomorrow to pick up my stuff, then I’m gone for good. Find yourself another puppet, John. This one’s
cutting the strings.” I put the phone down and turned back to
, snuggling into him as he kissed my hair. I had a feeling that this wasn’t the end of the matter. It was just the