You ever get that feeling that everyone else knows something you don't? Like
they're keeping something really important from you. Something that could provide you with the answers to all your questions.
Something that begins with the words 'about last night'... What the hell happened last night? Guys, would you care to enlighten
me? What the hell did I do last night that has been the talking point for all conversations I’ve walked into today.
More to the point, what the hell did I do that is making
avoid me like the plague. It can't be anything too bad. I hope. It's not like we...oh shit! We did!
My P.O.V
I walked into the bathroom, barely awake and got a pretty big shock waiting
for me on the wall. Well, as you can imagine, it's not exactly the kind of thing any person wants to wake up to in the morning.
It didn't take me very long to figure out who it belonged to either. There was only one guy in this house that would be careless
enough to leave something like that lying around in someone else's bathroom. I walked out into the landing and screamed his
name at the top of my lungs.
's P.O.V
!" Uh-oh. Not good. It's never a good sign if she uses my full name. She only ever does that when she's really hacked off
with me. "
! GET YOUR ARSE UP HERE NOW!" Shit, she is really pissed. I'd better go and see what she wants before she goes completely
psycho on me. I switched the telly off and reluctantly headed up the stairs to see what I'd done wrong this time. "
...oh you're here. Follow me." She grabbed my belt and dragged me towards the bathroom, leaving me no choice but to go after
her. She stood me in front of the wall. "What do you call that?" I sniggered, but the look on her face told me this was no
laughing matter. "it's a used condom." "Yes, I can see that! I want to know what it's doing on my bathroom wall." "How the
hell should I know? It's not mine!" "Oh...sorry, I just assumed..." "That as the slut of the band, it was mine." "Well, yeah.
I was thinking more along the lines of as the good-looking one, but slut will do." "Oi! I don't sleep around that much!" "Whatever.
How long since you last had a proper girlfriend? You're at the stage of your life now where you need to find a nice girl and
settle down." "And you're at the stage of your life where you're meant to stop being annoying." "I'll stop annoying you when
you find a girlfriend. Deal?" She hugged me, wrapping her arms around my waist. It was quite cute really. At just over 5 foot,
she barely reached my chest, and slotted comfortably under my shoulder. "Fine. Now come on short stuff. Let's go and find
our guilty culprit." She shoved me playfully and stuck out her bottom lip in full on sulk mode. "You know I hate that nickname.
Besides, I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged." "Babes, it doesn't matter. You're my best friend and I love you just the
way you are." That put the smile back on her face and she hugged me again. "I love you too
. You're the bestest best friend ever." My heart sank as she said those words. She was never going to see me as more than
a friend, no matter how many hints I dropped. Why did I even bother?
My P.O.V
God, that boy is impossible to break down. I've tried so many times to get him
to like me, and I'm about as close as Bambi on ice skates. Everytime I get close, something happens, and I slip up. Why can't
he just say it? It's not that hard to admit you like someone. Says the girl that's been trying to tell her best friend she
wants to shag him senseless for the past five months. AARGH! I'm running out of ideas here. And then, this happens...
's P.O.V
What did she just say? No, I can't have heard that right. There is no way on
this planet she would have said that. Not to me. I mean, I know she'd say it to
. She fancies him like nothing you know. But not to me. I'm still trying to process it all in my head, and she must have taken
my silence for a bad thing. "Look, don't worry about it. Just forget I said anything. I'm going to be in my room, dying of
embarrassment, so please knock before you come in. Better still, don't come in. Yeah, that's the one..." She walked off, mumbling
to herself and it took me another few seconds to register that she'd gone. "Yeah, I would...what the fuck am I on about. I
can't screw my best friend." I shook my head and walked back downstairs as the music blared out from her room.
My P.O.V
! Turn that fucking racket down. I'm not in the mood." "When are you ever? Just deal!" I slumped face down on my bed and buried
my head under the pillows, trying to get my face to return to its normal colour rather than the unflattering shade of red
it was at the moment. There was a knock on the door and it opened. I heard someone step into the room and walk over to the
CD player. "I said deal with it! The music isn't getting turned down!" "
, it's me. Turn around a minute babe." I shook my head, then realising he couldn't see me, grunted at him. I felt something
tugging at the pillows and I reluctantly let go, turning so I was lying with my back to him. "
, come on. This is serious." He walked over to the other side, and I turned around again. "
, you are really pushing it here." I remained with my back to him and I heard him take a deep breath. Next thing I know, I'm
being forced onto my back with
's entire weight on top of me. "Get off, you idiot!" "Not until you talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." "Well, I'd have thought
that was pretty obvious
. I offered it to you on a plate, you turned me down. End of. Close the door or your way out please." "I didn't turn you down.
I didn't say anything, you just assumed I was turning you down." "So you're not?" "Well, no. But I do think that we need to
think this through. It's not exactly a small thing for either of us." "I've thought about it
. I haven't stopped thinking about it. Read my lips...I want to have sex with you. Clear enough?" "How loud can you turn that
music up?" "Pretty loud. Why?" "Do it. I'm not having the other four being nosey bastards."
's P.O.V
Holy shit. I can't believe I'm about to do this. No, not have sex. That's pretty
standard for any guy, really. Having sex with
isn't. In fact, it's pretty rare. Not that she's a virgin or anything. She's just really picky about who she sleeps with.
A couple of bad experiences and now she only really sleeps with boyfriends. Which is exactly why this is a big deal for me.
I'm not her boyfriend, yet she's actually told me she wants to...well, you know. What if I do something wrong? What if she
changes her mind? What if she regrets it? Oh god, I can't do this. I can't... My
He was thinking about something. Probably sex. he's always thinking about sex.
really. I don't know, he looks really nervous. Like he really doesn't want to be here. What if I'm forcing him into this.
Well, they say it's in the kiss, so I'll have to find out that way. If he pushes me away, he's having second thoughts, if
he kisses me back...well, I'll think about that when it happens. Next thing I know, I'm lying back on my bed and he's kissing
me, except it's not where you'd normally expect to be kissed. I'm going crazy here, his tongue is driving me completely insane.
If I'd known he was this good, I'd have worked up the courage a long time ago. I let out a subconscious moan, biting down
on my lip as he continues. I'm just about to reach boiling point when he pulls away and looks up at me, a cheeky look on his
face. "
!" "Sorry babe, but a man's gotta get his, you know what I’m saying."
's P.O.V
The look on her face! It was absolutely hilarious. I mean, I had no intention
of teasing her like that, but it was kind of funny. And besides, it wasn't like she was just here for a straight up fuck.
We had to make it last. I just wish that she didn't feel the need to return the favour. I can't help but gasp in shock as
she sticks her hand down my boxers and wraps it around my erection. "What?" "Your hands are bloody freezing!" She simply shrugs
and giggles. "It adds to the feeling, don't you think?" Holy crap, this girl is good. Why on earth would I have picked such
a hot girl that is absolutely brilliant at hand jobs and decided that she's going to be my best friend. Get a life, mate!
She's way more than just a best friend. best friends do not do what me and
are doing. "Shit,
, I..." I haven't even had a chance to finish my sentence, she's pulled her hand out and is now sat there looking at me innocently.
"What the fuck?" "Not nice, is it?" "I'll give you not nice." I don't know whether it was the fact that it was
in the room with me or the fact that any one of the guys could walk in, but I was seriously turned on right now. And I think
it showed ever so slightly. "Are you actually going to screw me, or is that boner just going to stare at me all day?" "
, babe, it doesn't have eyes." "Yeah, I know that. That was my polite way of saying what I have to say. you want to hear the
not so polite way?" "Uh-huh." "
, fuck me." I didn't need telling twice. I slid into her, supporting my weight and trying not to crush her. The rest of it's
a bit of a blur to be honest, all I can remember is thrusting into her and her screaming my name. I kissed her neck and she
wrapped her arms around mine, not letting me move. "That!" "uh-huh." Obviously so wow, she hadn't even got her breath
back. I don't think either of us cares at that point that we're drunk as skunks. This is too good to forget...isn't it?
*End of Flashback*
My P.O.V
Shit! Double shit! Oh, why does this stuff always happen to me. I am never drinking
again. Ever. I think I really hurt him. What kind of friend am I? First of all, I'm the one that made the first move, then
I can't even remember it happening. Great! Nice one
. You've put your foot right in it. "Have any of you seen
?" "Yeah, he's in his room? What the hell did you do to him
. That must have been one hell of a kinky fuck, I tell you. The boy's exhausted, he's hardly moved all day." "Yeah, thanks!
I don't really want to talk about it." I walked upstairs into
's room, not bothering to knock. If he was as tired as they said he was, he'd be asleep anyway. I closed the door behind
me, sticking a chair under the handle to stop them being able to open it and knelt down next to his bed. His eyes were closed,
and a single tear rolled down onto his pillow. "
, wake up." I leaned across and kissed him gently on the lips to wake him up. "I'm sorry about earlier. Last night was amazing
. I don't want to forget about it, and I don't want it to be a one night stand. I love you too much to hurt you." He didn't
say a word, but held the covers up and I crawled into bed next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and closed his eyes
again. "I knew you'd come round."