It’s happening again. I thought I could control it, but I can’t/
he’s driving me mad. All I think about is him. The way he makes me feel. The way he touches me. The way he can’t
keep his hands off me when we’re at home and the way he ignores me when we’re out with the guys. It’s like
he’s ashamed of me – of our relationship. I’m trying not to give into him, but it’s so hard. Especially
when I turn around and look into his eyes. I need to feel his hands on me, and I find myself slammed against the wall as I
frantically tug at his belt. His lips grazed over my neck and I ran my hands through his messy
hair. I finally manage to pull the belt loose, tugging the zip on his jeans down. His hands slipped under my skirt, gently
pulling my thong down as his lips slammed down on mine. A sudden flash of light blinded me and I pulled back from him slightly.
“What’s going on here, kids?” “Nothing officer. Just sharing a kiss with my girlfriend.” The
policeman looked us up and down before adjusting his hat and turning away. “Make sure that’s all you’re
sharing son.” “Yes sir.” I laughed as
tried to hide his obvious excitement while turning to walk back into the club. I straightened out my clothes and followed
him in, determined not to let him win as easily next time.
, where have you put that boyfriend of yours? I need to talk to him.” “He’ll be back in a minute
. I’m going to get another drink.” I walked over to the bar and ordered another drink for myself and one for
. By the time I got back to the table,
was deep in conversation with
. He didn’t even say thank you as I placed his drink in front of him. I sat down next to him, resting my hand on his
thigh, but he just swatted it away. This was going to be a long night. I quickly downed my drink and went to the bar to get
another one. While I was waiting, I looked over at
. He hadn’t even noticed I’d gone. Obviously, he was planning to sleep on the sofa that night. I’d had enough
of being ignored. Downing the drink and slamming the empty glass down on the bar, I picked up my bag and walked over to the
guys. “Can you tell
I’ve gone home, I’ll see him later tonight.” “Yeah, sure.” “Night guys.”
I pulled my jacket tighter around me, cursing the British weather. Normally,
I wouldn’t have minded the cold, but normally, I would have had
’s arms around me to keep me warm. “Babe, why are you going home?” “Because I’ve had enough
of you ignoring me.” “I’m not ignoring you.” I stopped and turned around to face him. “Apart
from a quick fumble round the back, you’ve hardly said two words to me all night
.” “I’ve been busy with the guys. I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you babe.” “I don’t
want you to make it up to me! I want you to stop it happening. Sometimes, I think you love that band more than you love me.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” “Neither is the way you’re treating me. I love you
, and it would be nice if you said it back every once in a while. I’m going home, having a shower and going to bed.
You’re sleeping on the sofa tonight.” “
…” “Just go back to the guys
. Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine on my own. I always am!” I stormed off, leaving him standing in the
middle of the road. I let myself into our house, flinging my keys aside and running upstairs. I took my party outfit off,
carefully placing it back in my wardrobe and pulled the hair clip out, shaking my hair out. I quickly glanced over at our
bed, tears springing to my eyes knowing that I wouldn’t be sharing it with him tonight. “Pull yourself together
, he’s just a guy.” I slid down the wall, burying my face in my hands as the sobs shook my body. He wasn’t
just a guy, he was
. My
and I loved him.
? Babe, what’s wrong?” I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me into him. “You came home.” “of
course I did. Why wouldn’t I?” “I thought you’d be mad at me about earlier and you wouldn’t
want to be with me anymore.” “What?! Don’t be silly. You were right, I spend far too much time with the
guys. Come here.” He stood up and held a hand out to help me up as well. He hugged me again and this time, I wrapped
my arms around his neck, glad to have him back with me. After a few minutes, I pulled away and took a few steps back, sitting
on the edge of the bed. Although we’d been together for almost 6 months, tonight was the closest we’d come to
sleeping together. I’d wanted to wait, and he appreciated that. That’s why I loved him.
Sitting half naked in front of him now, I felt ready. I looked up at him. He
was breathing heavily and I’m sure his heart was racing. I know mine was as I beckoned him over. “
, are you sure babe?” I nodded. “I want to.” He slowly walked towards me, pulling his t-shirt over his head.
I stood up as he approached me, frantically tugging his jeans down as our lips met in a passionate kiss. He unhooked the clasp
on my bra and threw it aside, my thong following not long after. His boxers were the final item of clothing to be discarded
in our urgent fumbles. I sat back down, crawling back onto the bed, my lips never leaving his. He leaned his body against
mine, forcing me back onto the bed. He trailed kisses down my neck, along my collar bone, past my breasts and down towards
my throbbing centre. I moaned and writhed as his tongue flickered over my swollen clitoris. “
.” I rested a hand on his cheek, causing him to stop and look up at me. “I want you bad.” “The feeling’s
mutual babe.” He kissed me hungrily. I could taste myself on him ,but I didn’t care. All I cared about now was
what he was doing to me. He was driving me wild. “You’re sure you want to do this, because once it’s done,
you can’t take it back.” “
, just fuck me!” I spread my legs even wider as he settled on top of me, gently pushing his whole length into me. I
gasped as he filled me, just waiting for him to make me feel like I was floating. “You ok?” Never better.”
He looked into my eyes as he drove into me over and over again, brushing my hair off my face. “God
!” “Aah,
, faster!” Our moans and screams drowned out the sound of the music being played in the club down the road. I raked
my nails along his back, leaving red scratch marks as I felt the orgasm wash over me. He groaned as he came, pressing his
lips against mine, then resting his head on my heaving chest.
, I do love you, you know that babe. About tonight…” I pressed a finger to his lips to silence him. “Don’t
spoil it
.” He kissed my finger before taking it in his hand and pushing it away from his face. “You’ll want to hear
this. The reason I was speaking to
, I love you. I know I don’t say it often enough, but I do and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. So…”
He paused while he reached into the pocket of his jeans and took out a box. He flipped it open, revealing a stunning diamond
ring. “What do you say
? Marry me?” I looked from him to the ring and back. “You mean officially become Mrs
? Of course I will. I love you.” He slipped the ring onto my finger and I wrapped my arms around his neck, only vaguely
aware of the fact that a slam of the door indicated the guys were back from their night out.